When individuals and families develop healthier relationships and more effective communication patterns, it creates balance and flow which can lead to a richer, more rewarding life. After all, adversity is a fact of life…but so is resilience. When we are resilient, we have the ability to rebound from overwhelming feelings such as stress and fear without a devastating impact. Resilience is essential to our overall health and wellness.

My current specialty is helping parents work through the challenges they face with their children. As parents, we want our children to be happy, productive, and resilient so that they can go on to live responsible and independent lives. As a mother of four, I understand how difficult it is to be a parent in today’s world. There is so much controversary and contradiction over modern parenting practices.

This makes it difficult for any parent to navigate their way through. It certainly puts a lot of pressure on parents today. In addition, children today (and their parents) are also dealing with an inun-dation of technology and social media, bullying and peer pressure, anxiety and depression, learning disabilities and special needs, behavioural problems, Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and other special needs.

Parents may ask themselves, how are we going to ever make it through these years? Having worked as a school counsellor for ten years as well as working with parents through an EFAP company, I have helped many families who are struggling and have decided to reach out for help.

If this sounds like you, reach out and get the support you need!

$120 – $140
(50 minute hour)

E-transfer Payment
Credit Card

Divorce and Separation
Learning and Behavioural Issues
Family Conflict
Relational Concerns
Grief and Loss Life Transitions
Stress Management
Work/Life Balance
Career Issues
Women’s Issues
Anxiety and Depression
Mental Health Issues
Peer Relationships
Pregnancy, Prenatal, Postpartum Trauma
Disability and Health Related Concerns

free 20-minute consultation

If you would like to schedule a free twenty minute consultation to see if we would work well together, please contact me. I look forward to speaking with you.

What can I expect from counselling services?

We all have problems, big and small.

The smaller ones may subside if we find a way to resolve them on our own, but the bigger problems are usually much more challenging and persist over time. Ignoring our problems won’t make them go away; in fact, they often worsen, and follow us wherever we go. This is when finding a counsellor is ideal.

A counsellor provides a safe environment for an individual to express their innermost thoughts and feelings without being judged, blamed, or rejected. Effective counselling should be practiced masterfully by developing a therapeutic alliance, bringing a wide variety of strategies and skills, and work collaboratively with clients to find meaningful and appropriate solutions.

It’s important to have a positive connection with the person you choose. A counsellor should use each session effectively and efficiently, providing clients with a newfound sense of optimism, resilience, and self-belief that will carry them far beyond treatment’s end. Most notably, an optimum level of growth should be evident to both the client and the therapist subsequent to termination.

Individual Counselling can:

Reduce personal stress
Enhance personal relationships
Prepare for life changes and transitions
Develop conflict resolution skills
Enhance self-esteem
Promote self-empowerment for personal growth
Help to deal with grief or loss
Improve quality of life
Help manage depression and anxiety
Allow a safe place for individuals

Family And Couples Counselling can:

Improve communication patterns
Help reduce conflict through problem solving
Help build trust
Strengthen the quality of relationships
Develop an understanding
Allow for more enjoyment and less stress
Help with time management
Identify individual priorities and desires
Promote healthier relationships
Enhance the ability to problem solve

With my clients, I practice empathy and compassion. Together, we can identify your strengths as well as explore areas in which you would like to grow.

Because each person is unique, your therapy must be specific to your personal needs and desires.