When we approach life with a feeling of gratitude, we instantly feel lighter, freer, and happier. It makes life more enjoyable and our problems more tolerable. As the saying goes, “Gratitude is an attitude.” It is a conscious decision we make every morning when we wake up.
Does this mean that our lives have to be perfect? No. Does this mean that we have accomplished all that we have hoped? No. It simply means that we are thankful for whatever it is we do have in the present moment. The reality is that nothing is ever perfect…so why wait to be happy? Perfection after all, is relative. Family A may look at Family B and think that their kids are well-behaved. Family B may look at Family C and wish they could go on a vacation every year. Family C may look at Family A and wish that they could all get along with each other.
And so on it goes…
There are many benefits to practicing gratitude on a daily basis. To understand this better, let’s briefly take a look at the dark side. It is easy to get caught up in things especially in this increasingly materialistic and hectic world we live in. It is all too easy to focus on the negative things that happen to us. Our human nature is to be swayed in this direction. And once it starts, this vicious cycle is difficult to break. The more negatively we think, the further down we go—into the rabbit hole. We may not even realize that we are there until we have gone too far. Once in the rabbit hole, we wander around aimlessly, blaming others for wrongdoings, getting agitated and angry at the slightest inconvenience, and becoming more and more bitter with each passing day. Our world becomes darker and darker, and smaller and smaller.
The antithesis to all of this is gratitude.
Gratitude is the very opposite of what was described in the above paragraph. It is a world of positivity and possibility. The sun shines brighter and the grass really is greener (remember that rabbit hole?). Sometimes when we are stuck in the rabbit hole, we miss many of the small things that can bring us joy and peace. I equate it to wearing a pair of sunglasses tinted and dim which isolates us from a better world. We miss the friendly smile of passerby’s, the compliment that was given, and the distant laughter in the air. We miss the openness of the world around us because of the sunglasses we continue to wear.
But I am hear to tell you that this other world does exist. And the best part is that the creator is you!
Gratitude is a simple practice. Find a phrase that resonates with you and make it your mantra. Every morning and every night I see my yellow sticky note by my bed that reads, “Today I will be grateful.” This visual reminder helps embed it into my consciousness during the day and my subconscious at night to be carried forward the next day.
There are many ways to practice gratitude but here are some tips to get you started:
Start a gratitude journal. Any book with blank pages will do the trick.
Write a letter to someone or to yourself and be sure to include the things you are grateful for.
Have a heart-to-heart with someone.
Hand out compliments freely. Watch the smile spread over someone’s face.
Spend time with loved ones doing feel good activities.
Laugh at stories and tell jokes and get the giggle juice flowing.
Read inspirational quotes, books, or watch videos on Youtube.
Commit yourself to focusing on positivity.
Appreciate the beauty of the world around you. Slow down and really observe.
Make a family or individual Gratitude Board. Include pictures and words.
Write post it notes with reminders and put them up around your house.
Give away used items to charities or to someone less fortunate.
Volunteer your time to someone in need.
Add an app on your phone that posts messages of positivity.
Have some quiet time to self-reflect while focusing on your strengths.
Make a homemade gift for someone.
Choose to look at the bright side. There is a little magic everywhere.
Give out hugs and smiles as if they were free (because they are)!
Do something thoughtful for someone to show your appreciation.
Ask yourself, what am I thankful for?
Lastly, don’t forget to take off those sunglasses!